Sunday 22 January 2012

The birth of my blog.

Hello and welcome to my blog! I have been paper crafting for about 2 years now. And been watching amazingly talented crafters on Youtube since then as well. The crafting community is incredible and I feel like I've grown so much from everything I've learned from so many generous artists willing to share their tips, time, talent and favorite products with everyone!

I've always thought that one day I should give back to the community by sharing as well but I was way too intimidated to take the plunge!
Until one day in January of 2011 when I commented on a video by Tonya Gibbs (Psychomoms on YT) and she  requested that I make a video to illustrate the tip I had shared in my comment.
Holyscraps!!! That was now or never...I was so nervous but I just couldn't say no. I couldn't refuse to help and share. I couldn't just keep on taking taking taking and never give back.
So I did it. And the rest is history.

Now, being the obsessed video watcher that I am, I know that YT can be time consuming and that most of us don't always have that much time on our hands. That is what led me to start this blog.
I think that this is an excellent way of sharing and a great alternative to watching videos if you have limited free time!

I really hope you enjoy what you find here and that maybe you'll find some inspiration from my work!
Thanks for stopping by!